
Thursday 18 October 2018

Sign up to KnowledgeShare : the latest evidence sent to your inbox

What is KnowledgeShare?
KnowledgeShare is a new resource which delivers the latest evidence of your chosen subject (or subjects) to your inbox.

What will I receive?
The emails you will receive contain links to high level evidence from a wide range of sources including journal articles, national reports and local professional development events.
“KnowledgeShare keeps you up-to-date without overwhelming you with information”.

How often will I receive them?
You can choose whether you receive them on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. If there are new items, these are sent out to you.

How do I sign up?
Complete the registration form, telling us which areas of health care you are interested in and we will set up an account for you on KnowledgeShare.
If you have an Open Athens account, you can sign up yourself at KnowledgeShare.

To find out more ask a member of LKS staff for details or visit the KnowledgeShare website.