
Friday 24 January 2020

WUTH publication: 'Tax-otsubo': stress cardiomyopathy following an encounter with the Inland Revenue

Citation: BMJ Case Reports. 2020, 13(1),  e232225
Author: Roach MW, Currie P
Abstract: An 89-year-old man developed chest pain and palpitations shortly after finishing a stressful 40 min phone call to HM Revenue and Customs. After admission to the emergency department, he had a cardiovascular collapse followed soon after by a cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation (VF). The troponin T was elevated and his ECG showed extensive deep T wave inversion with prolongation of the QT interval. A portable hand-held ultrasound device (VScan; GE Healthcare) was used to demonstrate classical apical ballooning of the left ventricular apex indicating a diagnosis of takotsubo stress cardiomyopathy. Shortly following admission to the cardiac care unit, he had a further episode of VF, which was successfully defibrillated. A coronary angiogram was performed, which was normal. He was treated with a short course of benzodiazepines. He was discharged after 8 days without any neurological deficit. His echocardiogram subsequently showed complete resolution of the abnormalities of the left ventricular function.
© BMJ Publishing Group Limited 2020. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
KEYWORDS: arrhythmias; clinical diagnostic tests; heart failure

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