
Wednesday 10 April 2019

Release your potential this Spring!

Is writing a joy? Do you find it hard to get going? Do you find yourself out of balance and pulled in different directions? Would you benefit from more confidence in your research experience?

Due to the success of the previous workshop earlier this year, NHS R&D North West are offering another opportunity to enhance your research experience through coaching with Will Medd.

Write here, right now: coaching writing workshop - 23rd April 2019, 9.30am-5pm, Federation House, Manchester

Our coaching approach is tailored to the full experience of being a researcher, improving your professional and personal impact.

This workshop is a full day event from 9.30am - 5pm, held at Federation House in Manchester City Centre.

It is a £45 + VAT to attend for NHS Staff (50% is funded by Health Education England).

For non-NHS staff, it is £90 + vat to attend. A purchase order number will be required upon booking to secure your place

Writing is a huge part of research and yet, as a skill, the focus of training is often on how to produce scientific papers, whilst retreats tend to focus on blocking out the time and space to write.  That’s great and important. What about the experience of writing itself?  How can researchers learn to be productive, to keep writing and even enjoy the process?

While working on a current piece of writing (a paper, proposal etc) it aims to explore what happens if you unlock the possibility of enjoying writing! This workshop explores confidence, fears, values, goals and habits while experimenting with different writing moods. The day will include identifying new writing habits that you can start putting into practice!

You'll come away with:
  • Dedicated writing time on your work.
  • Greater awareness of what gets in the way of your writing and how to overcome that.
  • Learning from others about their writing experiences and strategies.
  • A commitment to new writing habits.