
Wednesday 28 March 2018

WUTH publication: Renal injury in a patient with lumbar scoliosis

Citation: BMJ Case Reports. 2018 Mar 21
Author: Riyat H, Jones R, Sarkar D, Stephenson R
Abstract: Kidney laceration following blunt trauma is responsible for up to 3% of trauma cases. The risk factors associated with renal injury are attributed to the risks of mechanical injury. However, anatomical variations that may accelerate the insult of injury are poorly documented. This case report describes a 25-year-old with degenerative lumbar scoliosis who presented with flank pain and visible haematuria following a low-impact injury. The patient had a grade IV renal injury. The curvature of the spine, shown on CT imaging, revealed a reduced retroperitoneal space around the left kidney. This case explores lumbar scoliosis as a risk factor for kidney laceration. We hypothesise that this increased risk is associated with asymmetry of the spine and reduced anatomical space in the retroperitoneum. Patients with lumbar scoliosis may be considered a high-risk category for renal injury, following low-impact trauma.
KEYWORDS: drugs: musculoskeletal and joint diseases; hematuria; urological surgery

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