
Wednesday 4 May 2016

Don't forget

Your new collection of nursing and midwifery journals from the Mark Allen Group (MAG online) which will help to keep you up to date with practice, support your continuing professional development, and help you to gather evidence for your Revalidation portfolio is available alongside all the other electronic journals you have access to under the A/Z list of nationally available journals option at
To access all the electronic content you have available you need an OpenAthens account, then you can access all your content from work or from home.  When using the A/Z list link it is important that you are logged in (check on the top right of the screen) otherwise you won't see all the great stuff you can use!

The Mark Allen Group collection of journals includes the following titles:

African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing
British Journal of Community Nursing
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
British Journal of Healthcare Management
British Journal of Hospital Medicine
British Journal of Mental Health Nursing
British Journal of Midwifery
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
British Journal of Nursing
British Journal of School Nursing
Dental Nursing
Gastrointestinal Nursing
Independent Nurse
International Journal of Palliative Nursing
International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation
International Paramedic Practice
Journal of Aesthetic Nursing
Journal of Health Visiting
Journal of Paramedic Practice
Journal of Renal Nursing
Journal of Wound Care
Nurse Prescribing
Nursing & Residential Care
Practice Nursing

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