
Tuesday 24 July 2012

WUTH publication: Systematic review of descriptive studies that investigated associated factors with the management of incontinence in older people in

Citation: International journal of older people nursing. 2011, Dec 19
Authors: Roe B, Flanagan L, Jack B, Shaw C, Williams K, Chung A, Barrett J
Abstract: roe b, flanagan l, jack b, shaw c, williams k, chung a & barrett j (2011) Systematic review of descriptive studies that investigated associated factors with the management of incontinence in older people in care homes. International Journal of Older People Nursing doi: 10.1111/j.1748-3743.2011.00300.x Background.  Incontinence is prevalent among older populations and residents in care homes. Aim and objectives.  This paper is a review of descriptive studies that investigated associated factors related to managing urinary incontinence in older people in care homes. A systematic literature review was undertaken. MEDLINE and CINHAL were searched from 1996-2010 using the Cochrane Incontinence Review Group search strings for urinary and faecal incontinence including all research designs. Results.  Sixteen studies were identified that reported on associated factors related to comorbidities, management preferences, policies, staff views and knowledge or methodological studies. Non-invasive methods involving toileting and use of pads were common management approaches. No studies aimed at maintaining continence were identified. Conclusions.  Factors associated with incontinence need to also be considered when planning and managing care for individuals, and developing and designing systems of care within care homes. Further study in care home populations to change or inform practice and provide effective care is warranted. Preventive studies that maintain continence are required. Implications for practice.  Older people and their families should be involved with decisions regarding their preferred care, goals, management and outcomes for managing incontinence, promoting or maintaining continence.

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