
Monday 25 January 2010

Equator Network: a resource for health researchers

Source: Equator Network
For fulltext link here
In a nutshell: The EQUATOR Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve reliability and value of medical research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of research studies. The website includes a library of research publishing guidelines, and a range of resources to assist authors in writing up their research.
Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Statistics support for researchers

Source: Integrated Library Service
For fulltext link here

In a nutshell:
The Integrated Library Service has partnered up with staff from Upton Hall School to provide a series of Statistics Mentoring Clinics as part of a community engagement arrangement.

The Statistics Mentoring Clinics are aimed at WUTH staff who would benefit from extra support when faced with using statistics in practice or research. The statistical programs supported include Microsoft Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).

Those attending the clinic must come prepared with a statistical problem (or scenario). Where possible an outline of the problem should be submitted in advance of attendance at the clinic.

3rd Feb 2010
3rd March 2010
14th April 2010
5th May 2010
9th June 2010
7th July 2010

On each date two clinic appointments are available:
Appointments are issued on a first come, first served basis.

Link here to complete the online booking form for ‘Handling Data 1: Statistics Mentoring Clinics’.

Please visit the Integrated Library Service Training Pages for more information.

Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.