Citation: Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports. 2021, 11(9), 24-28
Author: Nikhil Jawaharlal, Vasanthakumar Ramsingh, Vijaya Bhalaik
Abstract: Introduction: Carpo-metacarpal joint fracture-dislocations are rare injuries. They constitute less than 1% of all hand injuries [1]. They often go unnoticed [2]. Of these, dorsal fracture-dislocations on the ulnar side are more commonly seen [3] because of the greater stabilizing dorsal structures. Volar fracture-dislocations are very rare and difficult to diagnose for which, one should have a keen eye on.
Case report: This is a case of a 51-year-old female with a closed injury to her wrist. With clinical suspicion and appropriate radiographs fracture-dislocation of the 4th and 5th carpometacarpal joints with volar displacement was diagnosed. She underwent closed reduction and percutaneous Kirschner wire fixation, followed by 6 weeks of immobilization. At the final follow-up in 4 months, the patient was noted to have a satisfactory outcome following intense physiotherapy.
Conclusion: Fourth and fifth carpometacarpal joint fracture-dislocations of the fingers are unique; their diagnosis can be challenging and often overlooked [4], which if missed can have very poor outcomes. The functional prognosis depends on the precocity of diagnosis and appropriate reduction and vigorous rehabilitation.
Keywords: Carpometacarpal joint; fracture-dislocation; volar displacement; wrist injury.
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