
Wednesday, 5 May 2021

UpToDate® for Clinicians

Physicians | Nurses | Pharmacists

Every patient deserves to receive the best possible care from clinicians, confident in their decisions. That is why health systems and clinicians around the world turn to UpToDate every day. Over 80 research studies conclude that using UpToDate at the point of care helps improve outcomes and service delivery.

Join this free 30-minute LIVE session to learn more about UpToDate, including:

      ·         Creating an account
·         Earning and submitting CME/CPD
·         Conducting a normal/advanced search
·         Customizing your UpToDate homepage
·        Help reduce medication errors with Drugs & Drug Interactions
·         COVID-19 common questions and answers
·         What's New & Practice Changing Updates
·         Patient engagement/safety 

The session will be held on-

Tuesday, May 18th

2:30 PM | Please click on the link below to join the session, if this doesn't work, please copy and paste into a browser

Please contact a member of library staff if you want more information about UptoDate.