A resource to keep Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) and Wirral Community Health and Care Trust (WCHCT) staff and students on placement up to date with the latest developments, news and events relating to library, research and evidence based practice within the organisation. Brought to you as a collaborative venture between the Library & Knowledge Service and the WUTH Research & Development department.
Monday, 4 January 2021
WUTH publication: Role of MYC and BCL2 expression in a cohort of 43 patients with DLBCL: a retrospective study
Citation: Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2020 Dec 30. Online ahead of print.
Author: Khan UT, Kelly M, Dodd J, Fergiani S, Hammer B, Smith J, Arumainathan A, Atherton M, Carter A, Racu-Amoasii I, Kalakonda N, Pettitt A, Menon G