Citation: European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2014 Oct;181:95-8
Author: Lightly K, Shaw E, Dailami N, Bisson D
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine personal birth preferences of obstetricians in various
clinical scenarios, in particular elective caesarean section for maternal
request. To determine actual rates of modes of deliveries amongst the same
group. To compare the obstetrician's mode of delivery rates, to the general
STUDY DESIGN: Following ethical approval, a piloted online survey
link was sent via email to 242 current obstetricians and gynaecologists,
(consultants and trainees) in South West England. Mode of delivery results were
compared to regional and national population data, using Hospital Episode
Statistics and subjected to statistical analysis.
RESULTS: The response rate
was 68%. 90% would hypothetically plan a vaginal delivery, 10% would consider a
caesarean section in an otherwise uncomplicated primiparous pregnancy. Of the
94/165 (60%) respondents with children (201 children), mode of delivery for the
first born child; normal vaginal delivery 48%, caesarean section 26.5% (elective
8.5%, emergency 18%), instrumental 24.5% and vaginal breech 1%. Only one chose
an elective caesarean for maternal request. During 2006-2011 obstetricians have
the same overall actual modes of birth as the population
CONCLUSIONS: Ten percent of obstetricians report they would consider
requesting caesarean section for themselves/their partner, which is the lowest
rate reported within UK studies. However only 1% actually had a caesarean solely
for maternal choice. When compared to regional/national statistics obstetricians
currently have modes of delivery that are not significantly different than the
population and suggests that they choose non interventional delivery if
Link to PubMed record.