
Monday, 30 October 2017

UpToDate extras

UpToDate now covers Anesthesiology!  With 271 evidence summaries and 897 graphics, content covers surgical procedures and other interventions, pain management, opioid avoidance, blood transfusion, and postoperative critical care.
Access UpToDate via Cerner, via the intranet home page or via (for off-site access you'll need an OpenAthens account). If you register you can also get mobile access via the UpToDate app.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Book Club

As part of Fab Change Week 13-17th November 2017 your Library & Knowledge Service will be starting a Book Club. This initiative is in response to some feedback we have received during the launch of our lovely colourful comfy Library Lounge and has also been requested via Listening into Action huddles.

If you are interested in being part of this exciting initiative, made possible by collaboration with our Wirral Public Library colleagues, please come along to the McArdle Library on Wednesday 15th November between 11.00 and 12.00 to have a chat, find out how the Book Club will work, suggest a day and time (about four weeks later to allow time for reading) that would work for you and collect your copy of the first book “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion. We know that with so many colleagues working shifts etc. that picking a day and time for the Club to happen is going to be the trickiest bit of the process, but let’s see what we can do. We are really hoping that there is a group of people who want to be part of Book Club on a regular basis. Let us know what you think. ​

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Research / Library Drop-in Support session

Friday 20 October any time between 12-2pm
Library, Education Centre, APH

Have you any questions about research that need answering?  If so, we are here to help.

·         Where do I start?
·         How should I undertake a literature search?
·         What is a critical appraisal and how can I access tools to assist me to be more critical? 
·         What is the difference between research, audit and service evaluation?
·         What approvals do I need?

Bespoke support and advice will be given.

If you are unable to attend on the day please email either the Library on WUTH.LKS@NHS.NET or the Research Department who will be happy to help.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Your Library Story: the winning entry

Congratulations to Graham Dawson for winning the Your Library Story competition with the below entry!

Library and Knowledge Service: From A to ZZZzzzzzzz

"An impromptu but confidential meeting in my shared office led me on the path to the Library and Knowledge Service Helpdesk. I was greeted with warmth and friendliness. The time is now to sort my niggle I thought. Unbeknown to them, over the next few minutes the Library and Knowledge Service staff would set in motion, the best year of sleep I’d had since I was a child.

My niggle you see, was the fact that I fell out of love with reading. The mobile phone had defeated the book mark. From a book a week before my teens, to whatever was necessary at University. Despite ‘resolutions’ here, impromptu book purchases there, nothing had reignited my love of reading.

“I’m after a book that isn’t too heavy, but will get me excited about reading again”, I was quickly directed to the aptly named ‘sit back and relax’ easy reading section. Despite having knowledge of the well know phrase, I started my pursuit of a good looking book cover. Less than a minute later, I was asked if I needed further help. Their help led me to completing a trilogy of crime fiction but most importantly led me to a year of good sleep. I had been reading from my mobile but the blue light that shone in my eyes into the early hours was making me immobile. I will admit I was addicted to my phone. Now with a book before bed, I will be asleep before my pillow touches my head.

I am a slow reader I will admit, so I found myself extending my loan on several occasions; this was never a problem or a chore to the team. So thank you to you, the Library and Knowledge Service team. Goodnight."

Monday, 9 October 2017

Your Library Story

It's Libraries Week and to celebrate we’re running a library competition!  Tell us your library story to be in with a chance to win our goodie bag (includes chocolate, stationery and library goodies!).
Your story can be as long or short as you like and should be about your use of the Library & Knowledge Service.  You might want to include:
  • How the library has made a difference to you
  • Your favourite book or resource and why
  • Why you love the library
  • Any feedback about the service and how we can improve it

Your Library Story can be submitted via email (, on paper or as a Tweet (use #WUTHlibrarystory and be creative with your character limit!).

Competition closes 5pm on Friday 14th October.  The winner will be selected for its fabulousness by the trust’s FAB Ambassador, Leeanne Lockley, and the winner will be notified on Weds 18th October.  Good luck!

Find out more at or contact Victoria Treadway, Library & Knowledge Service Lead