
Friday, 27 May 2016

Training Sessions available

Your Library and Knowledge Service provides a range of training sessions to help you work smarter not harder.
  • First Steps in Searching               (1 hour)
  • Finding the Evidence                    (1 hour)
  • Assisted searches                        (1 hour)
  • Introduction to Critical Appraisal    (90 mins)
  • Reflective writing                         (1 hour)
All of these sessions are customised to your specialty and needs.

To request this support at a time and location suitable for you or your team please email:

Friday, 20 May 2016

Resources available to you

Do you know about the Clinical Decision Making, Evidence Summary products which are available to you?
Have you used them to keep up to date and be an evidence based practitioner?
If not, why not?
WUTH staff have access to UpToDate and Dynamed and can have these products at their fingertips on their smartphones or iPads

Clatterbridge Cancer Centre staff have access to UpToDate and can also have it on their mobile devices.

If you or your team need a session about these products please email: and we will provide support at a time and location convenient to you.

Monday, 16 May 2016

WUTH publication: Endometriosis of the liver

Citation: British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2016, 77(5), 310-1
Author: Adishesh M, Hawarden A, Rowlands D

Link to PubMed record

Friday, 13 May 2016

Health & Well-being Week

Yesterday Jennifer Perestrelo and Linda Taylor supported the Trust Health & Well-being Week by providing a market place stall to support the "Getting involved/support theme".
The stall highlighted important Library & Knowledge Services available to staff and showcased the work of the "Chronicles of Yarnia" Group which meets in the Library on Wednesday mornings 8.00-9.00 a.m.

Jennifer took the opportunity to teach Peter Bohan, Head of Organisational Health at WUTH and others how to crochet.

Friday, 6 May 2016

24-hour access

Friday 6th May 2016 
Unfortunately 24 hour access is not currently available due to technical difficulties. 
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 

If you have any queries please contact the Library and Knowledge Service at

WUTH Health and Wellbeing Week

The Library and Knowledge Service will be supporting the WUTH Health and Wellbeing week that starts on Monday 9th May.  For a whole five days there will be a range of activities dedicated to the wellbeing of staff and each day will have a separate theme, which will be lifestyle, safety, organisational support, getting involved and mind matters.  Details of the programme are below.
All WUTH staff are welcome to pop in to any session for as long as they can.

Lifestyle session Monday 9th May, Education Centre, APH 11am-1.15pm
FREE bag of fruit to first 100 visitors courtesy of URwhatueat
Marketplace to include
Invigor8 council gyms
Gravity gym – FREE day passes
UTS fitness
Holistic Hands – FREE Massage tasters
Colour therapy taster sessions (bit like reiki)
Smoking cessation advice from the Livewell team
Alcohol/substance misuse team (WUTH) available for support and advice
FREE Health checks Occ health nurses, cholesterol and BP testing

Safety Tuesday 10th May Health and Safety Dept, Elm House CGH 11am-1pm
FREE “Mocktails” will be served on arrival
Marketplace to include
Sharps safety awareness
Musculoskeletal injuries and awareness
WUTH physiotherapy team will be on hand for advice support
Health and safety team, drop in advice

Organisational support Wednesday 11th May, Education Centre, APH
Given over to LiA and staff involvement team and to include
Schwartz round on 11 May on the topic ‘The smallest thing can make a big difference’, Main Lecture Theatre 12:45 -13:45
Culture/engagement Information Stand
Staff Guardian Information Stand
Coaching information Stand
Resilience Training Programme Information Stand
Learning and Development Opportunities Information Stand
Healthcare Staff Benefits – Scheme Launch Dining Room, APH
Health and Wellbeing Pledges (Those who pledge are entered into draw to win a smoothie maker, donated by Healthcare Staff Benefits)
Walk in the Park for staff to join in. Meeting Place Dining Room, Education Centre, APH 13:15

Getting involved/support Thursday 12th May, Education Centre, APH, 2-4pm
Market place of groups and organisations for support and to get involved with
Citizens Advice Bureau
Chaplaincy team (WUTH)
National Childbirth Trust
WUTH knitting group and library services
League of Friends
Soroptimists International
League of Friends
WUTH SingMe choir
Nurses day, HWB sessions including FREE massage, reiki, Indian head massage

Mind Matters Friday 13th May L&D training room and OHD CGH, 11.30 – 2pm
A repeat of our successful session previously run at APH
Talks on various topics
Stress awareness - Peter Bohan
Mindfulness - Sean Orford
FREE massage tasters - Holistic Hands
FREE Colour therapy tasters
WUTH chaplaincy team

Critical Care Journal Club

Dr. Grace McCrystal presented on "Transfusion Thresholds" to Critical Care Journal Club this morning.
The session was chaired by Dr. P. Prashast, Consultant in Intensive Care and was well attended with the audience including Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and Students.
The journal club meets monthly and future topics will include:
High Flow Oxygen therapy and its effect on intubation
Blood Pressure thresholds in septic patients
and Choice of anti-arrhythmic therapy in Fast Atrial Fibrillation (AF) in septic patients

Visit and register to receive information about journal club activity and view the presentations.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Critical Care Journal Club

Dr. P. Prashast
Consultant in Intensive Care invites you to attend

Critical Care Journal Club which will take place on
Friday 6th May 2016
8.00am-9.00am, Anaesthetics Seminar Room

Studies will be appraised and discussed on
Presenter: Grace McCrystal

All Staff from Critical Care and ED are welcome to attend.

For more information or if you are interested in presenting please contact Dr Prashast.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Don't forget

Your new collection of nursing and midwifery journals from the Mark Allen Group (MAG online) which will help to keep you up to date with practice, support your continuing professional development, and help you to gather evidence for your Revalidation portfolio is available alongside all the other electronic journals you have access to under the A/Z list of nationally available journals option at
To access all the electronic content you have available you need an OpenAthens account, then you can access all your content from work or from home.  When using the A/Z list link it is important that you are logged in (check on the top right of the screen) otherwise you won't see all the great stuff you can use!

The Mark Allen Group collection of journals includes the following titles:

African Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing
British Journal of Community Nursing
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
British Journal of Healthcare Management
British Journal of Hospital Medicine
British Journal of Mental Health Nursing
British Journal of Midwifery
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
British Journal of Nursing
British Journal of School Nursing
Dental Nursing
Gastrointestinal Nursing
Independent Nurse
International Journal of Palliative Nursing
International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation
International Paramedic Practice
Journal of Aesthetic Nursing
Journal of Health Visiting
Journal of Paramedic Practice
Journal of Renal Nursing
Journal of Wound Care
Nurse Prescribing
Nursing & Residential Care
Practice Nursing

Contact the Library and Knowledge Service for further information or support by emailing: