
Monday, 28 September 2009

Latest Royal College of Nursing Research bulletin

Source: Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
For fulltext link here
Date of publication: 28th September 2009

In a nutshell: The latest RCN Research and Development bulletin contains the following items:
1. RCN Study of Nursing Care series
2. Research Funding
3. Department of Health Policy Research Programme - Evaluation of the Alcohol Improvement Programme (AIP)
4. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Service Delivery and Organisation (SDO) Programme - Promising Innovations in Healthcare Delivery in the NHS
5. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) programme
6. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB)
7. NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) Work programme Topic Reviews
8. Campbell, D. M. et al (2009), "Increasing the use of evidence in health policy: practice and views of policy makers and researchers", Australia and New Zealand Health Policy 2009, 6:21
9. RCN Publications
10. Royal College of Nursing Library Services & Archives
11. Safety 2010 world conference
12. Change Champions Toolkit Seminar: "The deteriorating patient"
13. Change Champions Toolkit Seminar: "3rd improving medication safety: sharing the lessons learnt"
14. RCN Events
15. Social Research Association (SRA) annual conference, "Moving on up - social mobility and social research"
16. 4th conference, "Turning the Tide: Research by, for and with service users"

Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.

Workshop: Stroke Research Network Portfolio Development

Source: NIHR Research Design Service for the North West
For fulltext link here
In a nutshell: The Stroke Research Network, in collaboration with the NIHR Research Design Service for the North West, are holding a workshop to assist with Stroke Research Portfolio Development. This workshop is for those who are interested in applying for research funding for stroke research.

  • Date: Tuesday, 23rd February 2010, 9:00 - 16:00
    Venue: Salford University, Salford
    Cost: £20
Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

NW Regional Innovation Fund set to go live

Source: Oliver Goldring, Communications Manager, TrusTECH®
For fulltext link here
Year of publication: 2009
In a nutshell: Applications are due to open within the next two weeks for the NHS North West's new Regional Innovation Fund. InnovateNoW, as the programme will be known, aims to support NHS organisations and innovative partnerships to drive the quality and productivity of the regional healthcare services and meet healthcare demands. It offers varying levels of funding available, ranging between £5,000- and £250,000 through a number of award schemes. Applications must be from an NHS organisation, but can include partnerships with Trusts, PCTs, HEIs, and third sector and private sector partners.
Some important notes: Alternatively check the website at - further details will be posted as and when they become available.
Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Joint Health Research Conference: Committed to better research in the NHS

Source: National Institute of Health Research North West
For fulltext link here

In a nutshell: These joint events aim to promote the benefits of research, showcase local activity and engage further with local NHS staff and academics so that they can understand more fully the range of opportunities available through the NIHR to undertake and lead health and social care research to improve patient care and NHS services.

The event will cover:
*Training opportunities
*Working with industry and the North West Pharmaceutical Exemplar Programme
*Getting more NIHR money for research
*New systems
*More R&D in primary and community care
*Public involvement in research
*Our R&D vision for the future
*Getting your research off the ground
*Removing barriers
*Translating research into practice

Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.

Workshop: Preparing an application for the Research for Patient Benefit Programme

Source: North West National Institute for Health Research
For fulltext link here

In a nutshell:
Date: Friday, 6th November 2009, 10:00 to 16:00
Venue: Lancaster University Conference Centre (Bowland College)
Cost: £20 (including lunch)

This workshop is for anyone in the northwest considering submitting a research application for funding from the NIHR RfPB programme or anyone who is interested in finding out more about it. Speakers will cover the aims and background of the programme, hints and tips on making a successful application and personal perspectives of the application process from a successful applicant.

Some important notes: Please download a booking form and programme from the RDS NW website at or contact .

Further dissemination: If you think any of your colleagues would benefit from receiving these alerts, please direct them to the LEAF bulletins web page.