
Tuesday, 27 January 2009

University of Chester 'refresher' Library Training

Source: University of Chester Faculty of Health and Social Care
Publication type: Training opportunity
Publication date: 2009

In a nutshell: Refresher sessions on using the various online resources available to University of Chester students will be delivered by University of Chester library staff on the following dates:

Wednesday 4th February 2009, 10.00am-11.30am
Thursday 26th February 2009, 1.00pm-2.30pm
Monday 9th March 2009, 1.00pm-2.30pm
Friday 27th March, 10.00am-11.30am

All sessions will be delivered in the IT room in the Faculty of Health and Social Care at Arrowe Park Hospital. These sessions will cover logging into IBIS (the University of Chester virtual learning environment); finding module spaces; using the library catalogue; searching journal databases.

Students are welcome to attend either the whole session, or to drop in with specific queries, but please book in advance via Kelly or Karen Spencer in the McArdle Library. The session can be either a refresher for those students who have already had this training or an introduction for those who have not previously had any form of library induction.

Some important notes: Please contact Kate Kelly or Karen Spencer in the McArdle Library for further information.
Further dissemination: Please pass this information on to any colleagues within the Trust to whom it may be of interest.
Post created by: Victoria Kirk

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Effective researcher taster day

Source: Vitae North West
Year of publication: 2009
Publication type: Training opportunity

In a nutshell:
Date: 26th January 2009
Venue: University of Manchester
Time: 10.00-16.30

Only a few places remaining…
This day will provide an overview of two fully developed 2 day non residential courses for which the Vitae NW Hub can provide the course content free of charge. The courses which have been developed are:
· How to be an effective researcherfor postgraduate researchers (morning session)
· How to be an effective researcherfor research staff (afternoon session)

The day offers the chance for staff supporting researcher development to:
· gain a feel for the courses through experiencing example activities
· have a detailed understanding of theoverall programme for the course, with a chance to understand the rationalebehind the various sessions
· discuss the process of piloting the course in their institution / locale / region, and the costs involved

Who is it for? Trainers and other staff supporting researcher development

Some important notes: If you would like to attend thisfree event, please complete the registration form found at
Link here for more information:
Further dissemination: Please pass this information on to any colleagues within the Trust to whom it may be of interest.
Post created by: Victoria Kirk

Research Governance and ICH-GCP training

Source: Clinical Trials Unit, Arrowe Park Hospital
Year of publication: 2009
Publication Type: Training opportunity

In a Nutshell:
Title: ICH-GCP Training (International Conference on Harmonisation - Good Clinical Practice) available to Wirral University Teaching Hospital staff
Date: Friday 13th March
Time: 9.00 am to 12.30 pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, APH
Cost: Free
Objective: To provide a clear understanding of why we have regulation of research; what that regulation (Research Governance) means in practice and, for the special case of clinical trials for licensing new drugs or devices, how to comply with the specific Regulatory Requirements (ICH-GCP)

To book, contact

Some important notes: GCP (Good Clinical Practice) - 'Design, conduct, performance, monitoring, auditing, recording, analysis and reporting of clinical trials and to ensure the rights, integrity and confidentiality of trial subjects are protected'.

ICH (International Conference on Harmonisation) (of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceutical products for human use).

Link here for further information:
Post created by: Victoria Kirk